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Domespaces® for you

كل منتوجاتنا تجمع بين الدقة في التصميم و الجودة العالية

الشركة الأولى لتصنيع و بيع الخيام و القباب في الوطن العربي و الشرق الأوسط


الشركة الأولى لتصنيع و بيع الخيام و القباب في الوطن العربي و الشرق الأوسط

شركتنا تحقق أحلامكم بمنتوجات تتميز بجودة عالية.نحب أن نكون جزء ا من أحلامكم.سواء كنتم تبحثون عن منزل على شكل قبة ، قبة للتخييم أو بيت قبة فوق الشجرة ،فأنتم في المكان المناسب

ماذا نصنع ؟

شركتنا تخلق فضاءات مميزة للعيش و اللعب بمنتوجات ذات جودة عالية تحافظ على البيئة و تدعم كوكبا صحيا


نقدم منتوجات للتخييم: دوم، قباب جيوديسية بجودة لا مثيل لها في الشرق الأوسط.نتوعد كل محبي المغامرات و الطبيعة بخيام تستجيب لكل شروط السلامة و الأمان.منتوجاتنا مقاومة للحرائق و الرياح.تصاميمنا هي الأقوى و الأكثر استدامة.أملنا إرضائكم لأنكم أنتم من تصنعوننا
Getting Dome is so easy

Domespaces® is part of a team comprised of Yurtspaces, tentspaces, moduspaces brands driven by a shared purpose to make an impact on the planet

سواء كنتم مقاولات صغيرة، شركات كبرى أو فقط أشخاصا يبحثون عن مغامرات فريدة فإن منتوجات الخبير في تصنيع الخيام الجيوديسية تلائمكم و تعدكم بحياة أفضل

Instock Quick Ship Geodesic Dome Program


Dyester Corp featured on Bloomberg Television Network show the World's Greatest


تتراوح مقاسات القباب بين ٦٥ و ٢٠٠٠ سم حسب أقطارهايمكنك قراءة المزيد حول مختلف القباب هنا

الصيانة و التركيب

لا تحتاج القباب الجيوديسية إلى مهارات تقنية لتركيبها.كما أنها تحتاج إلى القليل من الصيانة.غطاء القبة البلاستيكي مقاوم للٱشعة البنفسجية و يمكن تنظيفه بسرعة.

الشحن إلى جميع أنحاء العالم

منتوجاتنا تشحن إلى جميع أنحاء العالم.يرجى الاتصال بقسم اللوجيستيك لمعرفة كيفية و مدة الشحن
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hot spot dot
hot spot dot
hot spot dot
hot spot dot

أنتم قوتنا

نستمد قوتنا من تنوع زبنائنا، سواء الشركات الصغرى أو الكبرى أو الأفراد ، فنحن نوفر لكم منتوجات للتخييم و قباب جيوديسية تجعل مغامراتكم أفضل
نوفر لكم معدات التخييم بجودة عالية تلائم كل محبي المغامرات في الهواء الطلق و إلى كل الباحثين عن القباب الجيودسية بمعايير دولية

نوع من القباب الجيودسية
عدد الدول التي نتعامل معها
عدد زبانائنا الكرام

الصحافة تتحدث عنا

Are Domes the Future of Living Spaces? Domes are ideal for special events like weddings, corporate meetings, trade shows, immersive theaters and large scale event planners are dressing up…



Domespaces® just launched ‘Home in a Dome’. Line of eco-friendly outdoor structures that span glamping, camping, dining, weddings and corporate events.

Cision PR Newswire

Cision PR Newswire

These Domes Look Like they Came out of a Mario Brothers Game, made from Fiberglass to withstand high winds, including a security door and two double pane glass windows.

Mentors Collective

Mentors Collective

What you should know


The high quality steel structure, combined with high quality PVC membrane ensures that camping domes can be used year round. The structure is waterproof, wind and snow resistant. Add a portable stove which will keep you warm.

Domes can be connected to existing electrical and water supply, eco digester system or a septic tank. Installation of camping domes are easily assembled at site. We provide you with manual instruction and support. Pods can be expanded to clients desired size. In most cases there is no need for building permits. It can be easily set up by anyone.

Each camping tent is supported by support steel “feet” which can be anchored to wooden,concrete or hardground. Decking is available for the structure along with a variety of interior floors.

Buckminster Fuller: The father of the Geodesic Dome R. Buckminster Fuller was a 20th century inventor and visionary who did not limit himself to one field but worked as a ‘comprehensive anticipatory design scientist’ to solve global problems.

Fuller’s ideas and work continues to influence new generations of designers, architects, scientists and artists working to create a sustainable planet. 1964 Time Magazine: Expose on Buckminster Fuller He has been called “the first poet of technology”, “the greatest living genius of industrial-technical realization in building“, “an anticipator of the world to come – which is different from being a prophet”, “a seminal thinker”, and “an inspired child”. But all these encomiums are fairly recent.

For most of his life, R. Buckminster Fuller was known simply as a crackpot. He is also something more than the mere sum of his praise and criticism. He is a throwback to the classic American individualist, a mold which produced Thomas Edison and Thoreau – men with the fresh eye that sees and questions everything anew, and the crotchety mind that refuses to believe there is anything that cannot be done.

What Fuller sees excites him with the vision of man’s potentialities, and he has made it his mission to help man realize them. Says he: “Man knows so much and does so little.” Last week this crackpot stepped off a plane in London, spouting words the minute his feet touched ground, and headed for a dinner in his honor at the Royal Institute of British Architects. On Sunday he went to Bristol for two days of touring and talking, His next stop: Ghana’s University of Science and Technology, which has been waiting a year for his arrival this week to conduct a four-week research and development project.

Today Richard Buckminster Fuller, 68, of Carbondale, Ill. – whose college career never got past his freshman midyears – is famous for houses that fly and bathrooms without water, for cars and maps and ways of living bearing the mysterious word “Dymaxion,” for things called “octet trusses,” “synergetics” and “tensegrity.” But he is best known of all for his massive mid-century breakthrough known as the “geodesic dome.”

Requirements for maintenance will depend on your usage, location, and climate. The Dome frame structure should be occasionally checked at the frame intersection for bolt tightness. The cover should be cleaned occasionally.

In addition, the cover should be checked around openings such as doors,windows, and openings where ventilation systems may be attached

If domes are not in stock generally it takes about 8 weeks to ship to a client. We use several shippers and shipping services. Depending on the size and the final destination will determine which method of shipping will be used.

Shipping costs are the responsibility of the receiver.

Geodesic domes are comprised of a network of triangles that form a somewhat spherical surface.

The higher the V or frequency the more triangles there are on the geodesic dome. Higher frequency domes with more triangles will be stronger and more spherical than a dome with a lower frequency.

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